
How does a pressure cooker?

Today, pressure cooking can take the place of several appliances in the kitchen today. That saves space and money! But what is probably the best feature of a pressure cooking is the saving of time. Using a pressure cooker instead of traditional cooking methods can reduce the cooking time of some very healthy foods and healthy up to 70%!

But how is cooked under pressure at work? And how and why foods cook pressure in the first place?

Rice Cooker Reviews

When using apressure cooker, the first step is to put food on the bottom of the pot to lower pressure. The fund is only a heavy saucepan. You can tell the difference between a regular bottle of sauce and a pot pressure cooker, because the latter have notches along the shore, while a standard skillet or pot will have a smooth edge.

How does a pressure cooker?

These notches coincide with similar forests in the pressure cap. Usually, once the food on site, led the prescription orinstructions supplied with pressure cooking to add a certain amount of liquid in the pot. This is the liquid that makes a pressure cooker works.

Once the food and fluid in the pressure cooker, the lid is fixed to the base, usually the assembly at an angle from 30 to 50 away from the lever and then turning the cover in the locked position. The lid has a gasket that forms a tight seal between the top and bottom of the pot.

When they begin to warmpressure cooker, the liquid begins to get hot and approach the boiling point, steam is created. With the seal in place, the steam has nowhere to escape and the steam generation and retention, which makes pressure cooking.

The amount of pressure is measured in pounds per square inch of pressure, also known as ISP. Pressure cooker recipes are mostly cooked at high pressure. At this pressure, the temperature inside the furnace reaches about 250 degreesFahrenheit, which is almost 40 degrees warmer than the boiling point of the food cooked in the traditional way.

However, it is baking in high temperatures and certainly a lot of pressure? Yes! But the kitchen with a pressure still has something of a reputation as "explosive" as hard as any other "urban legend" that contains the chaos, violence and bloody gore.

These stories are simply not true. Well, let me say that I can find no documented evidence of one of these devices, such as the explosionbefore 1960. And even if the stories are almost all have a common theme - an error or unsafe!

These devices are well designed and safe. Use according to manufacturer's instructions and a little common sense, modern pressure cookers work day and after a long time and do not fly!

What can we do with pressure cooking? We addressed this issue in another of this series of pressure cooker.

How does a pressure cooker?

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